Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mai'le Yoga and Hundai

Everyday a sunrise and a smoothie. . . .
Today Dan is returning our 'rent a wreck' to the Lihue Alamo people. The airbag hasn't worked and not the brake light warning on the dashboard is also alerting us to some new danger. Dan will make the trip while I am taking my fourth yoga class at Yoga Hanalei.
He drops me off and promises to return in a few hours. My teacher today is Mai'le a young Hawaiian lady brimming with love and humour. I Love her at once. Hatha Flow One is packed to the gills, or plantation shutters as it were. I explain my vision loss and we are off! We sit in Virasana, one foot folded into the arch of the other and we begin a kirtan of sorts, repeating her sanskrit-hawaiian prayer that talk of enough rain to nourish the land but not too much so the bridge doesn't close. Also about we paid her to teach us because she will take us deeper than we can take ourselves, so please don't resent me. . . It is probably a teacher student true chant with a twist.

oṃ saha nāvavatu
saha nau bhunaktu
saha vīryaṃ karavāvahai
tejasvi nāvadhī tamastu mā vidviṣāvahai
oṃ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ
May we be protected together.
May we be nourished together.
May we create strength among one another.
May our study be filled with light.
May we not oppose each other.
Om peace, peace, peace
It was a tremendous class! I'll be back tomorrow.
I leave class quite wrung out and loose, Dan hasn't called, so I leave a message for him. I am thinking I need a little something from the shop below. In no time I am trying on a cute snug dress in taupe and black with wave action and a small hole, It will cost $22.00 'as is'. I recite the poem by Leonard Cohen and hand her my credit card.
"Ring the bells that still can ring
forget your perfect offering
There's a (hole) in everything
That is where the light comes in. . " paraphrased slightly
Then I sit on a picnic bench in the sun and take inventory. Thirst comes to mind so I head to the Gourmet for a Hala beer and some iced water. I'll wait for Dan and then we'll have lunch.
I am sitting at the bar, yoga mat and beer, dress clutched to my heart when he arrives.
After a good light lunch we head to the beach, Anini it is. I finish my book and take a leisurely stroll while Dan snoozes. ( when the family with the kids and football arrive en masse, we change our location slightly towards the point. On the way home we investigate Kahiliwai and it's missing bridge. A new roadside market sells us starfruit, oranges and bananas, enough to carry us through the end of our vacation in smoothies.
We watch a grey sunset, and catch up on a little news. We have rented, Ides of March to watch after out potluck dinner. The end is in our sights and we are slowly finishing off our food. Tonight Dan grills steak and asparagus, we share a slice of pizza from ast night and I feast on the remaining shrimp.
A late dinner and movie, make for a hasty bedtime retreat. Tired tonight, after the rowing and yoga of the last two days.

Sweet Dreams

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