Friday, February 17, 2012

Tara Yoga and Tahiti Nui

Today's sunrise . . .We whiled away the morning watching whales. Such leisure:)
Dan took we to yoga at 10. . .and I arrived a little late. Bhavani was sitting near the near, she recognized me and I, her. She looked like a wisp of air right off the Himalayan Mountains, sturdy and ethereal. a curious vision to my senses!
Tara was in full command and I found a nook by the back screened door. She is both commanding and kind, and very interactive with the students. Class was hard and she promised it would get more challenging. In Ustrasana she asked to to extend my right arm and , "push, push! PUSH!" into hers." harder, like you mean it!" As I did I trembled. but my left side began to understand, it had collapsed, in applying an opposite force it began to come to life in this ardha ustrasana. . .and so it went. She sang to us in Savasana, in her melodic echoey haunting way. I love seeing her. Tomorrow she is offering a one hour class on the wall ropes, and I will be there. With such restricted vision, being upside down will all sorts of 'scary fun'.

Dan and I drove home to change and then off to the Tavern at the Golf Course. What a good meal, to think we almost didn't go. Dan had the meatloaf sandwich and I chose the ceasar on grilled flat bread with white anchovies. Delicious!
Then home for another costume change and a new beach. Ke'e was full, so we settled upon Haena around the corner. The surf was raging and the clouds hung low. It was plenty warm though. I am reading Ann of Green Gables and Dan kept an eye on the ocean and an eye on the couples in the cabanas behind me.

We are planning a big night at Tahiti Hui's Our kayak pal is singing there tonight so we go. He is quite a performer. . .and his yodeling, well, OMG! What a sweet man. We shared a slice of cheese pizza. The place was loud and not a place where you would want to eat and sweat and feel squished while dining on a $28.00 entree.

We leave, after Keola performs, thinking we can stop by the Gourmet for some deep fried artichokes. It was too crowded. Dan says a lady went slack jawed upon seeing my new dress though. . .it is snug but not revealing. Sorry to have missed this response.
We are looking forward to splitting the ahi burger at the St. Regis one more time. The children in the lounge are out of control which puts our evening on tilt. We do enjoy the pianist and jazz vocals. The burger is quite rare and we eat it without a fuss. Dan needs more food and it seems his blood sugar levels are low.
Calling it a glorious night we head home in a little shower. Watch a bit of the food channel and go to bed at 11. Mahalo

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